Data- & Cookiepolicies

   PHOTO   |   Goma, evaluation for UNA   |   2021  
Ensuring Transparency and Compliance with GDPR and Other Regulations
At Conflict Management Consulting (CMC), we prioritise the privacy and security of personal information, including not only users on our website but also research subjects in our work. We adhere to strict data protection policies and practices in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant regulations. This page outlines our data and cookie policies to ensure transparency and inform our users about how we collect, use, and protect their personal information, in accordance with our technical and organisational measures (TOM). We are committed to collecting minimal website data and using only necessary cookies.

Data Policy:

Data Collection: We collect minimal personal information from our users when they visit our website, interact with our content, or use our services. This data may include basic information such as IP addresses and other essential details required for website functionality.

Data Usage: We use the collected data to provide our services, communicate with users, and ensure the overall user experience on our website. We do not use the data for analytics, marketing, or any other purposes unless explicitly required by law or consented to by the user.

Data Storage and Security: In case of web-surveys or similar, we store users' personal information on secure servers and implement appropriate security measures to protect their data from unauthorised access, disclosure, or alteration. Our technical and organisational measures (TOM) align with Article 32 of the GDPR and are constantly being improved to ensure the resilience of our IT systems.

Data Sharing: We do not share users' personal information with third-party service providers or partners unless it is necessary for providing our services, conducting our business operations, or explicitly required by law.

Data Retention: We retain users' personal information only as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected or as required by applicable laws and regulations.

Users' Rights: In accordance with GDPR, users have the right to access, correct, or delete their personal information, as well as the right to object to or restrict the processing of their data. Users may also request a copy of their data in a portable format.

Cookie Policy:

What are Cookies: Cookies are small text files that are placed on your device when you visit a website. They are used to store and retrieve information about your browsing habits, preferences, and other relevant data.

Types of Cookies: We only use necessary cookies that are essential for the basic functioning of our website. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable information.

How We Use Cookies: We use necessary cookies to ensure the proper functionality and performance of our website. These cookies do not track user preferences or provide personalised content and advertising.

Third-Party Cookies: We do not use third-party cookies on our website except for Google Analytics. These cookies help us understand user behavior and track website performance.

Managing Cookies: Users can manage their cookie preferences through their browser settings. They can choose to disable or delete cookies, but doing so may affect the functionality and user experience of our website.

Cookie Consent: By using our website, users agree to the placement and use of cookies as described in our Cookie Policy.

For more information about our data and cookie policies, or to exercise your rights under GDPR, please feel free to contact us at

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